February 29, 2012

So maybe there's been an anomaly. Hearing Latin words in my head and feeling like I should kill myself-not out of depression, but because everything is wrong and I'm not supposed to even exist here. I'm supposed to be somewhere else. Maybe suicide isn't the coward's way out, but the only way to pass some sort of test to see if we're strong enough to seek truth.

Maybe in this linear timeline there has been a wink.


Things change forever. The wink is some sort of reality-altering event.

So this was our time and reality:


This was the event:


This is our reality afterwards, it branches off, and two separate realities on parallel timelines occur:


Very basic idea. If this were true, it would probably happen an infinite number of times.

Maybe reality as we know it is like the shifting tectonic plates underneath the earth's crust, reality could shift in and out of place numerous times, indefinitely.
Maybe it's like an iceberg, we're living on the surface, and if we delved just a bit deeper we could see what's really going on.

Or maybe there's nothing more than this existence, which would seem pretty meaningless. I wish I could know.

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